SIOR: Always Moving Forward

Case Study
August 21, 2023


SIOR (Society of Industrial and Office Realtors) aimed to revitalize its brand to engage current members, attract new ones, and emphasize its standing as a professional society. The primary goal was to better communicate the organization’s vibrancy and to inspire the next generation of elite membership.

Our Approach

Brand Federation began by conducting thorough secondary research, delving into prior research conducted for SIOR and utilizing syndicated research platforms like Statista. This approach provided a comprehensive understanding of the industry, category, and similar professional associations. To gain deeper insights, Brand Federation also conducted interviews with SIOR members and leadership to grasp the organization's core value and its envisioned path forward.

The insights gleaned from the research were synthesized into a brand position that captured SIOR's distinctive aspirational qualities while underlining the fact that SIOR members are at the forefront of the industry, and SIOR serves as the embodiment of that progressive momentum. This brand positioning materialized in the form of a new tagline: "Always Moving Forward."

To bring this brand position to life, Brand Federation partnered with CSG Creative. CSG developed a compelling visual identity, fresh messaging, and a revamped website. This comprehensive branding initiative was aimed at infusing new vitality into a brand with a rich history.


The brand refresh initiative proved to be a remarkable success. The new brand positioning, encapsulated by the tagline "Always Moving Forward," effectively conveyed SIOR's dynamic and forward-looking ethos. The collaboration with CSG resulted in a revitalized visual identity, engaging messaging, and an aesthetically redesigned website.

The outcome was a brand that resonated strongly with both existing members and potential new ones. The revitalized brand communicated SIOR's role as a leading force in the industry and a home for those driving progress in the field of industrial and office real estate. The initiative successfully captured the energy and aspirations of SIOR's culture in a more compelling and resonant manner.

Through the concerted efforts of Brand Federation and its creative partner, CSG, SIOR's brand refresh not only met its primary objectives of member engagement and attraction but also succeeded in infusing a renewed sense of vigor into the brand's legacy.


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