Merger & Acquisition Strategy

Aligning Culture and Holding Onto Key Employees

Here’s the biggest tip we know: Real M&A success is determined by human behavior.

Most companies know customers are at risk after a merger, but they don't know the simple approaches to preserving the value of the brands they acquired. We know the issues you’re up against, and we can find the solution that works.

Loyal customers value their relationships with the brands they patronize, and they are skeptical that everything will stay the same. That’s why our seasoned M&A Brand Strategy team focuses on customer and brand transitions that strengthen relationships for the long term.

Thousands of companies have paid too little attention to establishing a new, unified culture and then watched the brain trust they thought they bought walk out the back door. The tragedy is that most of this employee attrition can be avoided. If merging companies go through the disciplined process of listening to key employees, understanding their values, and bringing the best of both cultures together they can make the company stronger and more united.

Our process includes stakeholder interviews and roundtables. These help us understand where there is common ground between both cultures and how to align the best of both worlds. We often find hidden gems in these interviews that unearth values and processes worth preserving (not to mention ensuring your most valuable intellectual capital doesn't walk out the door).

Brands We've Helped Transition and Retain Customers

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Don't just take our word for it.

Jeff Bescher
Eric Hurtgen

“Go ahead and send me my ‘Brand Federation Fan Club’ certificate - I am certainly not the first member of this crowd, but I am a proud one! Thanks guys, for your wonderful partnership, creativity, and appreciation for our mission and audiences.”

Lauren Zaller Moore
President and CEO, Children's Hospital Foundation

“Go ahead and send me my ‘Brand Federation Fan Club’ certificate - I am certainly not the first member of this crowd, but I am a proud one! Thanks guys, for your wonderful partnership, creativity, and appreciation for our mission and audiences.”

Lauren Zaller Moore
President and CEO, Children's Hospital Foundation
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"I just wanted to thank you for today and for this work you've done.

I've been here from the beginning and I've seen how much thought and care you've put into this. As someone who has done enough of this work to understand how hard it is—it's impressive.

Glad to have gotten to be here during this work."

Eric Hurtgen

Brand Design, Quartet

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